Young Adults

We are here to help you know God personally, grow in your relationships and discover your purpose.

Young Adults at Bethany

Bethany Young Adults is a group of 18-26 year-olds, supported by older mentors through teaching, prayer, and hospitality.

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Come and be a part of our community, where you will learn about Jesus, build relationships, and serve others in our city.

Our first gatheing this fall will be over a meal, followed by a message and a hangout. We hope you’ll join us!

Where: The Somers’ home – 3744 Logan Cres SW
When: Thursday, Sept 12 @ 7 pm

becoming disciples of jesus


We connect with each other on a rotating three-week schedule:

Week 1 – In people’s homes for a meal, a time of worship and study
Week 2 – At the church for a time of worship and study
Week 3 – In the city for a time of serving

Thursdays 7:30-9:30pm