Next Steps
We are excited to come alongside you as you move forward on your spiritual journey.
know god
There is power in your faith in the life-giving work of Jesus.
get baptized
For believers in 6th grade and up, being baptized in water is one of the next steps you take after giving your heart to the Lord.
Find Connection
True life-change happens in the context of relationships.
Live with purpose
If you would like to find out more about Bethany and how to get involved, we would encourage you to fill out a connect card.
better together
Your Bethany Journey

Step 01: Connect With US
Connect with Bethany and discover the ins and outs of the church, learn details about beliefs, leadership and church government, and how we intentionally organize our church.
Step 02: Serve with Purpose
Here at Bethany Chapel, we believe we all have been uniquely designed by God. We each have certain abilities that can be utilized to benefit the entire church body. Let’s face it, we all need each other. That’s why we encourage you to find out more about the various opportunities available for you here at Bethany.
Step 03: Become a Member
Find out what it means to be a leader at Bethany and connect to the opportunities available at the church to live out your purpose and serve others by using your God-given gifts.
you belong here
Connect Groups
Connect Groups have a simple purpose: connecting people
We believe God created us to live in relationships with other people, and it’s at that moment when we can experience the abundant life He has for us. Sharing together in a community is part of our design, but meaningful relationships aren’t always easy to find. This is why Connect Groups exist – to make these impactful relationships relevant and accessible to you.
Connect Groups are how we care for each other
Connect Groups are less about what you do and more about who you do it with. We all need each other and that’s why we have Connect Groups. Just like most things, you won’t know until you try, so check out all that’s available and connect to a Connect Group today!
there’s a place for you at Bethany Chapel
Bethany Children's Ministry
We have a great need for adult volunteers for Sunday School. If you could volunteer one Sunday a month, please contact Rachael.
Coffee connections
Sunday morning coffee preparation and clean-up. Contact Kelly to volunteer.
Youth Leaders
If you’ve got an interest in building into the lives of teens, contact Will.
Greeting Team
Sharing a friendly hello to those coming in to church Sunday mornings. Contact Rachael to volunteer.
Prayer Team
Praying with those who desire prayer during the service. Contact the office to volunteer.
Missions Committee
The Missions Committee is looking for additional members to: help our Bethany missionaries; plan and carry-out a long-term vision for Bethany and missions; promote missions awareness at Bethany. The committee meets once a month on Tuesday nights and hosts missions events throughout the year. If you are interested, please contact Lyle Simpson through email or by phone @ 403-701-9090.
Culinary Team
Preparing food and beverages for special events. Contact Kelly to sign-up.
Community Team
Help with sorting and distributing food and organizing the pantry. Contact Mary to volunteer.
Men's Ministry
Varies. Contact the Men’s team to volunteer.
Pastoral Teams
We have the following groups that would welcome your involvement –
Visitations – to those who are in facilities: long-term care, supportive living, or a seniors’ residence. Visitations also occur in someone’s home if they are unable to attend church on Sundays. When visitors are again allowed in hospitals, visitations can also occur there.
Funeral/Memorial Services – volunteer ushers, musicians, preparation of the tea after the service (if there is one), and clean-up.
New role: We are looking to find a Memorial Service Musician to coordinate with Mary to work with the family and the sound/video techs to find lyrics and tunes according to the family’s choice and to secure a pianist and/or song leader. -
Encouragement & Outreach – to those who are isolated or are listening online but are not ready to come in person to service.
Helping Hands – someone with hands-on, practical skills to do small repairs
Contact Mary to volunteer.
Helping people find seating, when needed; distributing the offering bags during service; serving Communion; serving at memorial services from time-to-time. Contact Rachael to volunteer.
Women's Ministry
Varies. Contact Jen to volunteer.
Worship Ministry
Musicians, audio & video technicians. Contact the office to volunteer.
Worship is an essential part of the life of every believer in Jesus. And, one way worship expresses itself is in the gathering together of Jesus’ followers at our Sunday worship services. A committed group of worship leaders and musicians lead us in worship each Sunday. The worship times are designed to give opportunity for celebration and reflection leading into the study of God’s Word.
We not only need musicians to lead us, but we need people to help us operate our sound and video systems. And, from time to time, we need actors, creative writers and poets.
If you are interested in participating in our worship ministry please contact the office at 403-249-8605 or
Worship team members log-in to Planning Centre On-line.
For more information please contact the office at (403) 249-8605.